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Multi User approval

asked on May 19, 2022


Please see the below:


I have a similar need, however bit different, I want that the whole process should actually wait till all the 3 have either Approved or Rejected, based on that the final user can take the decision.


Can someone please help?

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replied on May 19, 2022 Show version history

Hi Sonia,

The post you linked is only accessible to members of a specific group, so it won't be visible to everyone. Could you provide a brief summary of what was discussed?

I think your solution is going to depend on a few things:

  1. Do you always have 3 that you wait for, or could that vary? For example, might you have a process that only uses 2 of the approvers?
  2. How are you tracking the Approve/Reject actions? Are you using fields or just looking at the button/action?
  3. How does Approve/Reject influence the flow? For example, does it always go to the final user regardless, or does it require all 3 to Approve for it to move forward?
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