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Adding Table Rows Resets Form & Crashes It (No Lookups, No Field Rules)

asked on April 19, 2022

I have a form that includes a table.  The table has a single line field and a dropdown field with row settings as shown below.  There is no CSS or java associated with the table.  Additionally, there are no lookups or field rules.

However, when I am in preview mode each time I attempt to enter information and click add to add an additional column, it causes the form to reset (returning to the first page of the form from page 3) and only offers the submit button (and no information is actually submitted).

There IS a lot going on in this form, so I am sure I have done something weird, but I cannot for the life of me imagine what could be interfering with simply adding a row to a table.

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replied on April 19, 2022

Do you have any custom JavaScript on the form? That would seem like the most likely culprit, especially if you don't have any field rules.

Providing that code would help determine possible causes.

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replied on April 20, 2022

Let me correct my previous post.  There is only ONE javascript item where I am disabling the submit button until the user has clicked the next button after I have performed some user validation.

However, there are field rules and lookups that affect OTHER elements in the form.

Last night I made a copy of the form and stripped out all field rules then added them back one by one testing the functionality.  I BELIEVE that I have rebuilt all field rules and retained functionality.  

I plan to go back to the original copy and see if I can determine what is different in those rules which may have caused the problem.

As always, THANK YOU, Jason.  You are always very helpful and I appreciate it as I am trying to learn more.

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