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Forms - resubmit previous forms?

asked on April 1, 2022 Show version history


We have a customer with a forms process that has multiple steps with multiple forms. We noticed that we have the wrong form selected in a Save to Repository service task. Is there a way to have the previous submissions "re-run" so we can get the correct form into the repository? To make it more annoying, I have service tasks that I do not want to run again that would run after the repository task, and the only thing the correct form has on it that the other form doesn't is a signature field - that signature is important to have on the image of the submitted form. 


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replied on April 1, 2022

Hi Jacob-

Starting simple, is the number of affected forms small enough that doing it manually wouldn't suck? If so, if you go to the instance history you can view any of the submissions and print them, either with Snapshot or save as PDF and then import.

Otherwise, if the process is still running, you could loop in an extra step to print that stage and then return the form to the current step. But you'd probably want to do it when the system isn't in use to make sure nothing gets stored that way accidentally.

If the processes themselves have already completed, I don't think there is much you can do to re-run. From Workflow you can pull variables from specific submissions, but I don't think you can get the actual form image.

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replied on April 2, 2022

Hi Pieter,

I'm looking at roughly 700-800 submissions, so not impossible to do manually, but I'd like an easier way if at all possible. Mapping the form fields to template fields isn't that important - they'll be easy to grab with pattern matching in a workflow. And unfortunately, these are all completed submissions at this point. 

I opened a support case to see if there's anything we can do in the Forms database to somehow get access to the form images or rerun this repository task somehow. I've heard of similar cases where access to the data on the form was needed, which isn't terribly hard to do, but I know I'm complicating it by wanting the image of the form itself.

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replied on April 4, 2022

I don't believe there is any easy or straightforward way to do it. 

But with that many, it may be worth a more complicated solution...

You could make a copy of your process that doesn't include any default values or lookups, and then use Workflow to pull the data from the original submissions in the cf_bp_data table in the LFForms database and populate the fields with that data.  Obviously you'd start with some small incremental tests, perhaps with Workflow kicking-off the form and assigning it to your user to review to ensure the correct data is populating into the correct fields.  Once that is working, you could have your workflow run through all those submissions and populate the form in your duplicate process, and have the duplicate process go directly to a repository service task after initiation.  The end result would be a form that has all the right fields (though mismatched created/modified dates).

Of course, determining the viability of thiis is going to depend on how complex your form is, how many submissions in the process,  how many fields that are populated on the form, etc.

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replied on April 4, 2022

Hi Matthew,

I was able to find the submission data in that table to referred to, but I couldn't get the signature field on the form to "fill" with the previous submission data. That's another thing I didn't mention - there's a signature field that is important to be able to see on the image of the form. I can see how this table will be useful to be aware of in the future, though - thanks for pointing that out.

I ended up just manually going through the submissions in the Monitor page of Forms and printing them into Laserfiche. Will write a workflow later to get the field data I need out of the document text.

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replied on April 4, 2022

You could probably copy the data for the signature field directly from the submission on the original form to the submission in the new form, entirely in the database.  But that’s tricky to say the least.  Probably not recommended.

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