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Forms: The test email failed because: User is authenticated but not connected

asked on March 25, 2022


User is trying to setup their Email Approver Server using MS O365 OAuth 2.0.

They have configured and authorized the Azure application, created the Inbox folder on the Approval email account and Saved.  When they click Test Connection they get the error “The test email failed because: User is authenticated by not connected.”


All the settings on their configuration page match what specified in the Help File for this.

Anyone else seen this error before?

Appreciate the feedback,

Jeff Curtis

0 0


replied on March 27, 2022

The error message "User is authenticated by not connected." was returned from Office365, please check whether helps. 

1 0
replied on March 28, 2022

Hello Xiuhong,

Thank you for the URL.

Customer followed process the "Try signing out from all other locations by clicking "sign out everywhere" on the account security page" and tested again, same error.

They confirmed they do have any active sessions.

Thanks for the feedback,

Jeff Curtis

0 0
replied on March 28, 2022

Can you test with another Office 365 account? I found something here when searched the error message said there is "Chatty Client Policy" in Office 365: IMAP clients connecting to Office 365 will get blocked for 15-30 minutes if there are lots of emails in the account. 

0 0
replied on April 1, 2022

Hello Xiuhong,

User created this account specific to the email approval setup, so it is a new account with no traffic associated with it, so it appears the "Chattty Client Policy" does not apply.

Any other thoughts?


Jeff Curtis

0 0
replied on April 5, 2022

Hello Xiuhong,

Checking back with you on this.

Should I open a Support Case?


Jeff Curtis

0 0
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