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First row in a table read-only with remaining rows fillable

asked on March 25, 2022

I am building a timesheet in table format for our Councilors.  I would like the first row to be read only for the monthly stipend with the remaining rows fillable.  

I also need them to still be able to add more rows; and have all of the amounts (including from the read-only stipend row) total at the bottom.

I am only just beginning to figure out very basic JS and CSS so I am desperately in need of help on these please!

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replied on March 25, 2022

First question is, how is this first read-only row being populated?

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replied on March 25, 2022

This is how it works right now...

But I would like to change it so that the first row is filled in with:

First of month - Monthly Stipend - Stipend - $1050.70

I do plan to make some minor changes if I can manage to get the first row to always read the same.

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replied on March 25, 2022

What I mean is, are you planning to populate the values in that first row with lookups, a default value, or javascript?

Personally, what I would do to avoid making things too complicated is add two separate tables. One for the static values, and one for the user entries.

That way you could make the "static" table read-only with values added either as defaults or through a lookup and make it one fixed row.

Then, you could use CSS to hide the table/column headers for the user table, and adjust any spacing issues, so it just looks like part of the same table.

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replied on March 25, 2022

No, I plan to fill with default values.  The first line will always be for the monthly stipend and subsequent lines will be for various different meetings and conferences.

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replied on March 25, 2022

If you plan to use defaults, then separate tables might be necessary.

If you set field defaults, they will apply to every row, even the ones added by users.

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