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dynamic hyperlinks in forms email

asked on March 24, 2022 Show version history

I'm trying to send an email from a form with a set of links based on checkboxes on the form.

In the case below, they would get only the one link that matches their corresponding check box. 

I am able to create the links in the Rich Text field. (thanks to answers I received here: )

However when it gets to the email it looks like the following. 

When I inspect the email it shows that it changed < to &lt; and changed  > to &gt;

What I'm ultimately wanting to do is, generate the body of an e-mail that will be sent to external e-mail addresses with the URLs needed to launch the selected forms.

So what I'm asking is there a way to fix this so It does not change the < and > or is there a better way to approach this task? 



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replied on March 24, 2022

This is the code that is working. 


  function addLinkElement (formName, formText) {
    /* Create an anchor element */
    var theAnchor = document.createElement("a");
    /* Create the text node for anchor element */
    var theText = document.createTextNode(formText);
    /* Append the text node to anchor element */
    // = 'emailLinks'; = formName;
    /* set the title */
    theAnchor.title = '' + formText;
    /* set the href property */
    theAnchor.href = "https://OUR-Website-HERE/Forms/"+formName+'?Reference_ID={/dataset/_instance_id}';
    /* add the ancher and break to the rich text editor */
    $('.emailFormatted .rich-text-editor').append(theAnchor);
    $('.emailFormatted .rich-text-editor').append('<br id="'+formName +'BR">'); 
  function formatEmail()
    /* Loop through the checkbox list */
    $('.formsCheckboxes .choice').each(function() {     
      var isChecked = $(this).find('input[type=Checkbox]').is(':checked');
      var theValue = $(this).find('input').val();
      var theLabel = $(this).find('label').text();
        addLinkElement (theValue, theLabel);               
  };/* END:  function formatEmail()*/
  function clearOldAnchors()
    /* Loop through the checkbox list to get the IDs for removal*/
    $('.formsCheckboxes .choice').each(function() {     
      var theID = $(this).find('input').val();
  }; /* END: clearOldAnchors() */

  $('.formsCheckboxes input').change(function () {
  /* on load */
  formatEmail ();  


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replied on March 24, 2022

I may have found something that works .. first quick test using just hardcoded values seems to work. 


  function addLinkElement () {
    /* Create an anchor element */
    var theAnchor = document.createElement("a");
    /* Create the text node for anchor element */
    var theText = document.createTextNode("This is a link");
    /* Append the text node to anchor element */
    /* set the title */
    theAnchor.title = "This is a link";
    /* set the href property */
    theAnchor.href = "";
    $('.emailFormatted .rich-text-editor').append(theAnchor);


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replied on March 24, 2022

This is the code that is working. 


  function addLinkElement (formName, formText) {
    /* Create an anchor element */
    var theAnchor = document.createElement("a");
    /* Create the text node for anchor element */
    var theText = document.createTextNode(formText);
    /* Append the text node to anchor element */
    // = 'emailLinks'; = formName;
    /* set the title */
    theAnchor.title = '' + formText;
    /* set the href property */
    theAnchor.href = "https://OUR-Website-HERE/Forms/"+formName+'?Reference_ID={/dataset/_instance_id}';
    /* add the ancher and break to the rich text editor */
    $('.emailFormatted .rich-text-editor').append(theAnchor);
    $('.emailFormatted .rich-text-editor').append('<br id="'+formName +'BR">'); 
  function formatEmail()
    /* Loop through the checkbox list */
    $('.formsCheckboxes .choice').each(function() {     
      var isChecked = $(this).find('input[type=Checkbox]').is(':checked');
      var theValue = $(this).find('input').val();
      var theLabel = $(this).find('label').text();
        addLinkElement (theValue, theLabel);               
  };/* END:  function formatEmail()*/
  function clearOldAnchors()
    /* Loop through the checkbox list to get the IDs for removal*/
    $('.formsCheckboxes .choice').each(function() {     
      var theID = $(this).find('input').val();
  }; /* END: clearOldAnchors() */

  $('.formsCheckboxes input').change(function () {
  /* on load */
  formatEmail ();  


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