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business process input parameters

asked on March 21, 2022

So confused.  Using LF Cloud. I have the following flow...

Workflow 1
   - Creates an entry (a doc)
   - Sets an EntryID token equal to the entry ID just created
   - Invokes a Business Process 1 that has 1 input parameter, which I set to the value of EntryID
   - I've added a  Track Tokens action and can confirm the above are being set to the correct value.

Business Process 1  (has an input parameter EntryID)
   - Calls Workflow 2, which has an input parameter DocEntryID. However there seems to be no way to access the Business Process 1 input parameter EntryID, so I can pass it's value to Workflow 2 via the DocEntryID parameter.

Driving me nuts. Assistance would be so appreciated.

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replied on March 21, 2022

When configuring the invoke workflow to launch "workflow 2" you need to provide the values for the expected input parameters and a starting entry

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replied on March 21, 2022

Appreciate the response but I'm using the Cloud version as mentioned which is completely different. 

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replied on March 21, 2022 Show version history

Yes this can be done.

A few questions:

1. Are you assigning the entry id to the output token in your workflow?

2. Are you assigning the Output parameter to a business process field?

3. In the BP do you have it enabled to started and the input parameter there as well?

Hope that helps.

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replied on March 21, 2022

Hi Troy,

Firstly, thanks for taking the time to answer. I've already doing all you said.

The only confusing part/difference to your solution above is in your example you've called your input parameter {/dataset/Invoices/WFID} there any reason you've used that {/dataset/Invoices/~) instead of just WFID? I've just called mine by a one-word identifier SREntryID without the whole variable syntax thing before it. Which confusingly is trying to tell me is a multivalued parameter (see image 2), when I haven't specified that anywhere.

As per image 3, when I try to call a Workflow Service Task and pass SREntryID to it (the last 'input' field in image 3), clicking the  > only allows me to select variables created from Form fields, which are further along in the flow. There is no SREntryID appearing there.

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replied on March 22, 2022

Hi Brett,

The default input parameter will automatically format to input parameter {/dataset/Invoices/<Variable Name>}. You can change the parameter name to whatever you want as shown below:


After making changes to the BP in cloud you must save and publish and then go to Workflow and sync the workflow with the BP as shown below:


Save,Publish and test.

From WF Monitor:

From BP Monitor:

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replied on March 24, 2022

Thanks for your help.

My confusion was with the fact that to access a process input parameter value, it has to be mapped to a form control. I thought you could just have a standalone (i.e. non-form-field) variable in a business process. But it seems I'm wrong.

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