Did Laserfiche cloud already apply for ISO 27001:2013 certification?
Laserfiche has received the ISO 27001:2022 certification for its information security management system that includes self-hosted and Laserfiche Cloud products. The ISO 27001:2022 certificate was issued by MSECB, an authorized certification body.
ISO 27001 is a comprehensive framework for an information security management system. Recognized as an international standard for an ISMS, ISO 27001 was recently updated in 2022 with notable changes including a new structure for Annex A that includes 93 controls over four categories — organizational, people, physical and technological. The certification process involves BDO USA, P.C., an external auditor from a certifying body, conducting an audit of Laserfiche’s ISMS in accordance with the accreditation body’s rules, procedures and management system requirements.
The certificate is available for download at the Trust and Security page here.
The press release for Laserfiche achieving the certification is here.
Hi Somjeat,
Laserfiche Cloud was pursuing IO 27001:2013 but has paused for the moment for several reasons, mainly that the next version, ISO 27001:2021 is coming out and has some significant changes from the 2013 edition that we're still evaluating.
Any updates on Laserfiche Cloud ISO compliance? Thank you