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Entry Access Rights not working?

asked on March 15, 2022 Show version history


I'm sure someone is going to answer this really easy for me. But I can't wrap my head around it.

I have a basic folder structure, with the following needs for a group of users

RootVolume (this folder only, browse)

    Ressources Humaines (this folder only, browse and read)

        Concours (This folder, subfolders and documents, Full access to all permissions)


My problem is when I attempt to add a new folder in "Concours", I get an empty menu for a user in that group:


I have a group "RH - Dotation" with the following feature rights and Entry Access Rights:

But then, when I check the effective rights, it gives me this (no checkbox on any of the permissions I need, but at the bottom it says "allowed")


Can someone explain to me what I am missing? The user logging in can see the proper folder structure, just can't do anything inside of "Concours", which according to my screenshots above, should have full rights to that folder and anything beyond.

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replied on March 18, 2022

Just for reference if anyone ever has this issue, it's because the Everyone group in LF Management had read-only, not read-write, as we were trying to lock it down from the default settings. I guess even if the LFDS group is set to read-write, the Everyone group overrides all settings for all within the repo.

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