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Does the new API support the following SDK features

posted on March 3, 2022

I have reviewed the API documentation but cannot verify whether the API supports the following SDK features which we are currently using in our integrations. 


  • Rotating pages
  • Replacing page images
  • Moving pages within a document
  • Moving pages to another document
  • Deleting pages
  • Locking / unlocking entries
  • Creating new fields
  • Editing exiting field properties
  • Retrieving these entry properties:  eDoc size, total doc size, page count, child folder flag
  • Changing entry access rights
  • Exporting image or PDF to TIF
  • Running OCR


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replied on January 19, 2024

Instead of posting a new question/topic I would like to reinvigorate this post to see if we ever got an answer about whether OCR can be (or is) run on incoming documents. We want to offload OCR to a nightly job so I am looking to confirm that OCR is not automatic, or if it is, whether there is a flag to disable it.


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replied on January 19, 2024

OCRing through the API is not available. Laserfiche Cloud automatically OCRs all documents with image pages on creation and whenever pages are added. For self-hosted installations, automated OCR is available through Distributed Computing Cluster and can be scheduled through Workflow.

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replied on January 30, 2024


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replied on March 3, 2022

Hi Bryon,

I work with our API team at Laserfiche. Our API is being updated monthly and of the list you mentioned, the following 4 are available today. I shared the swagger documentation that covers each below. 


For the other items, can you share more on which are most critical for you and what's your primary use case for them currently with the SDK? 

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replied on March 14, 2022


Thank you for the details on these four methods. I can explain our use for the other methods, listed in order of importance:

  • Locking / unlocking entries - Our programs allow users to modify electronic documents attached to a Laserfiche entry. They also allow users to edit document page images. In both cases, while the user is editing the eDoc/pages of the entry, we do not want other users to make modifications to the entry. Users expect to be able to lock or check out a document for as long as needed.
  • Replacing page images - Some of our programs allow the users to edit document page images and replace the Laserfiche page image with their edited image.
  • Running OCR - Some documents we want to automatically flag for OCR indexing when we add them to the repository.
  • Rotating pages - Sometimes pages are scanned in the wrong direction and our programs allow users to rotate them
  • Moving pages within a document - Our programs allow users to re-order pages within a document.
  • Moving pages to another document - Our programs allow users to move pages between documents.
  • Creating new fields / Editing exiting field properties - When we install or configure some of our programs, we want to make sure that certain fields exist and have certain data types, max lengths, etc. Doing this programmatically eliminates the errors that happen if someone is required to manually add/modify the fields.
  • Changing entry access rights - Some of our programs require that certain folders have specific access rights and it is more reliable to do this programmatically.


Thank you for your assistance.

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