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Preferred/Recommended Network Settings for Laserfiche Cloud

asked on February 8, 2022

Hello, we have customer who just recently switched over to LF Cloud and they seem to be having difficulties staying connected when interacting with higher volumes of docs or performing heavy duty scanning operations.  Sometimes they have documents with "Entry Locks" but nothing is showing under the Activity node in Repo Admin and they end up just logging out and back in a few times until they can interact with the document again.  Sometimes they finish identifying and splitting a hundred page document and when they finally go to store them they get hit with login credentials prompts and when they input them, the documents they were trying to store are gone (not in the repository and not in the scanning module).

Most of their issues seem to me to be connectivity related which makes me think there could be issues with their network configuration or firewall settings that could throttle back their internet or cause inconsistent connections.  I've checked their DL/UP internet speeds and they're both over 100 so I don't think it's "slow internet".

Is there a list of recommended network/firewall settings out there for Laserfiche Cloud?  Has anyone else been experiencing similar issues with Cloud? 

We were up front with this client about the issues with any cloud applications and that these things happen from time to time but with these users it seems to happen daily which is of course causing some frustration so any recommendations would be very much appreciated!

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replied on February 8, 2022

Hi Grant,

Could you please open a support case for this issue? The Support team has access to backend Laserfiche Cloud logs that may prove helpful in diagnosing what's happening here. Even the absence of issues in the Laserfiche Cloud logs can be potentially useful by indicating that the issues are likely client-side.


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replied on February 9, 2022

Hey Sam, I actually do have a ticket open to investigate if there is something more specific  happening but with this post I was hoping to get some broader feedback from the community on ways they have increased performance on LF Cloud client side.

There is some indication that these issues are actually with the cloud servers.........workflows that are supposed to run every few minutes stop running for an hour/hour and a half......... but I do have some concerns that our end users may be engaging in behaviors that may increase their likelihood of issues. 

For instance, I think some users are opening the scan module in the morning and leaving it open as they use it throughout the day.  Toward the end of the day, they go to scan another document and when they go to save it, the scan module crashes, likely due to connection time out or something like that.  

Now I've already instructed them against this specific behavior but I was hoping to get some best practices or recommendations from other Cloud users/SP's on any other behavior that users may have been able to get away with in an On-Prem/Desktop Client environment that would cause issues in the Cloud.

Also, I'm curious how many Cloud SP's/Administrators out there set their users up with Desktop Clients over the Web Client and why?  Specifically I'm wondering if the Desktop client (even paired with a cloud repository) might be a more stable option for high volume scanning users than the web version?

Any feedback on this would be great!

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replied on April 8, 2022 Show version history

Hey Grant,

I'm aware of scenarios where high volume scanning users have used the Laserfiche Windows Client + Scanning rather than launching Scanning from the web client. For those, it was a matter of small efficiencies with opening/closing Scanning etc. adding up to a measurable amount of throughput across the scanning group. Everyone else used the web interfaces.

Deploying the desktop client for those high volume scanning users with the Cloud repo is certainly worth a try. It may or may not make a difference if there are underlying connectivity issues.

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replied on April 7, 2022

Hey Grant,

Were you able to identify any issues in this case? We have a customer having all sorts of issues with Cloud, as well. Curious if you were able to identify anything, be it user behavior, network related, or whatever.


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replied on April 11, 2022

Hey Jacob, unfortunately our customer is still experiencing issues.  We're currently in the process of reducing active Workflows and having some users try out the desktop client instead of the web client to see if that increases performance. 

One other thing we're going to try is to change one of their dropdown fields to be a database lookup/dynamic field instead of native drop-down field values.  This client has a "Subject Term" drop-down for all records that has over 2400 values and I'm wondering if the HTML pre-loads these drop down values for each document if they're native to the field.  Dynamic fields seem to only load values when you interact with the field but I'm not an expert at web elements so this is only a guess.  It does seem though that when they're experiencing these issues the web browsers struggle to load the web elements.  

I have an open ticket and I plan on presenting this workaround to Laserfiche and getting their input so I'll let you know what they say.  I don't know if your client has a similar situation or not.

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replied on April 11, 2022

Hi Grant,

Have you tried messing with the MaxDropDownLength attribute for the users in question? May not help in your situation, but I actually had a case where setting that attribute to 50 solved a problem involving Cloud taking forever to load a list. 

I was able to identify the cause of some of my issues from last week. We found that using Workflow to rename entries in Cloud doesn't work quite the same as it does on-prem. It resulted in entries not moving to folders they should have been moving to. Kind of requires a long explanation, but if you have entries in the wrong place and workflows that rename entries, I can elaborate. 

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replied on April 11, 2022

Hey Jacob thanks for the recommendation, does that mean that only 50 results will load at a time?  If they wanted the value that was at number 100, would they have to start typing the term out in the field and then pick from the drop down?

We do have a Workflow that performs several rename activities throughout the process although most of the time it's renaming shortcuts to indicate what task needs to be completed.  Once the task is completed, the shortcut/task is deleted and another shortcut is created for the next user task in the process.  I'm definitely curious what you found out about entry name changes that can cause performance issues

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replied on April 11, 2022

Yes, that's how it's worked in my experience. It changes the appearance of a dropdown to be a text box, and as the user types in data, it'll show a list once the number of possible choices has reached the maximum allowed by the attribute.

So this Cloud customer in question would email me to say "hey I changed this field value on this document, but the document didn't move where it was supposed to move." We'd look at the audit log of the document and see that the ProcessAutomationUser was moving the entry multiple times, and that it would go to where it was supposed to go, but would then get moved back. We eventually deduced that the 'rename entry' activity in Cloud workflow basically updates the entry's full path, rather than just the name of the entry.

So, if you have a workflow that renames an entry after moving it, there is apparently a possibility (since this doesn't happen every time) that the 'rename entry' activity will take the global entry full path token, update the last part of it (which would be the entry name), and then put the entry in the original entry path location since the entry name is just the last segment of the full path. Since this happens after the 'move entry' activity, the document appears as if it didn't move because it ends up back where it was originally. Pretty easy to fix - just make sure your 'rename entry' activities occur before your 'move entry' activities. I normally set it up that way anyway, but for some reason did it differently in this case.

The other situation we ran into is a little more difficult to explain. We'd have a customer who would want documents named a certain way based on field values, but the field values would get filled out gradually through the document's life. Someone scans in an invoice and provides the invoice number, then the manager fills out the total amount, and then an AP clerk would fill out the vendor information (and all of that info was desired in the document name). So we'd set up a workflow that would simply rename the document every time a document with this template was changed (excluding the workflow service account) and regardless of what else was happening to the document in a separate workflow (moving to a new location, for example), the two workflows would never conflict. But a similar combination of workflows in Cloud can cause documents to appear to not move because the workflow that simply renames the document starts a fraction of a second later than the workflow that is moving the entry. If the renaming of the document happens after the moving of the entry in the other workflow, the document ends up back in the original location. I absolutely admit that this may not be a best practice, but I've never had an issue with it in on-prem systems.


In short, in on-prem Workflow, the 'rename entry' activity appears to take the entry name as it's own piece of information and updates it independently of the entry's path. In Cloud, the entry name appears to be the last segment of the full entry path, and the 'rename entry' activity updates that last segment, and puts it back into the path it was in when the workflow started.

Does that make any sense? Huge wall of text, I know.

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replied on April 12, 2022

@████████, the above about the Workflow entry renaming activity is perhaps of interest.

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replied on April 12, 2022

Yea that makes sense.  So far as I have noticed this hasn't been occurring in our customer's environment but I'll have to take a look and see if I rename any of the documents after moving them and just move the rename activity before the move activity just in case.

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replied on April 12, 2022

Hey Jacob, I rarely mess with user attributes, is the tag for this attribute [WebAccess]?

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replied on April 12, 2022

Hey Grant,

Screenshot here of what it looks like in Cloud. I'm not sure what the correct terminology is to refer to [Settings] vs MaxDropDownLength so figured I'd just show you what it looks like, lol. Does that help?

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replied on April 12, 2022

Haha yea thanks a ton!

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