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Form date field not showing up properly after JavaScript copies it.

asked on February 3, 2022

I have JavaScript on a number of forms now that I use to "copy all notes" from a table into a Recorded Activities (hidden) field that is used in the LF Form Reports.  This works great most of the time, however, occasionally, the date fields from the table are copied over as a five digit number that means nothing to us.  The dates in the table are still showing correctly, it's just what gets copied over to the hidden multiline field that ends up wrong. 

The part of the JavaScript that controls what is copied for the date field is this:  ... allNotes = allNotes + new Date($(this).find('.notesDate input').val()).toISOString().split('T')[0] + ...

Is there any way we can get it to always copy the date correctly?

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replied on February 13, 2022 Show version history

Can you open a support case through your Solution Provider with your exported business process? We need to check where does the five digit number come from.

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replied on February 15, 2022

Thanks, Xiuhong,  have done so now.

Today's example of the five digit number where yesterday's date should be:

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