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Creating and Saving a Form in Landscape

asked on January 28, 2022

Is there a way to view my form in landscape when I am creating it and save to the repository as a landscape? I am using forms 11. Thanks 

0 0


replied on January 28, 2022 Show version history

"viewing" in landscape would just be a matter of increasing the width since landscape/portrait don't really apply in the context of a browser.

As for saving/printing it, in the classic designer you can do it from the form settings, but I don't see anything about it in the new designer.

3 0
replied on February 1, 2022

@████████ is Saved Page Orientation a missing feature for the new Forms designer

1 0
replied on February 13, 2022

Yes, saved page orientation is not supported for new form designer yet. It's in the to do list but we haven't gotten to it yet. 

2 0
replied on February 1, 2022

@████████ is Saved Page Orientation a missing feature for the new Forms designer?


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