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Ideas on how to accomplish a document creation workflow

asked on January 26, 2022

Hello Everyone. I have a workflow that is creating an Order Acknowledgment type of document. I have everything working except for this one aspect. The purpose of this workflow is to get rid of a different program that was creating these. Here's what is going on. I have a table in a Word Document that will contain line-item details. The first row is just simple data, but under this line, I want to display a pretty big chunk of information. This is what the original looked like. 

You can see the line, UOM, QTY, List, Net, Ext, stuff on 1 line, then a detailed description below it. I can't get the description to show correctly when I put that data into my table because it tries to jam it into 1 cell. I can't have the details in a second row because the workflow activity for updating Word Document doesn't like the End Table on a second row. It's like I need the last column in my table to be a large cell under the original row, but I can't figure out how to accomplish it. Any advice will help. Thank you.  

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replied on January 27, 2022

Hi Lucas

Do you happen to have any Adobe (or third party) software for creating fillable PDFs? Workflow can fill these as an alternative to Word Mail Merge. I know this software will allow you to draw a large text area and automatically reduce text size to fit the maximum possible amount of data for different submissions.

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replied on January 27, 2022 Show version history

Hello Chad, 

I do have Adobe Pro and Foxit. I found it tougher to use with tables. I was able to get it to look the way I want by just creating a single-cell table. I use the first line of the cell for the simple item details, and then the next line is the larger description data. The updated Word activity doesn't freak out with extra white spaces and line breaks. It just doesn't like the end table identifier to be in a different row, so I put everything into 1 cell. Done. 

This is the result. 

This is what my template looks like. 

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replied on January 27, 2022

Ok cool. I just started working with Foxit for the first time. We can automatically send repository documents out for signature through Workflow using their API. It is a good Docusign alternative.

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replied on January 27, 2022

Lucas, is the problem that you'd like to have a line between the large chunk of description and the "line" item above? Sort of a split row where the top part is a set of cells and the bottom is a single cell containing the description?

If, yes, you can't have the TableStart and TableEnd tags span multiple rows in the table. But you can add a line in between them by adding a line of underscores in the cell itself (right above the "Desc" tag). That should approximate the look you're after.

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