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email completed form

asked on January 20, 2022 Show version history

I can open a completed form and print it using the printer icon at the top right of the window. Is there a way to email it without having to save it to a pdf using the print feature?


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replied on January 20, 2022

There is the email service task which can be added to your business process to automate it.  Is that what you're looking for?

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replied on January 20, 2022

Not at that stage.  There is a way to email the competed form in the "on event completion" settings.  The user would then be able to get a copy of their own completed form, if they wish.

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replied on January 20, 2022

The only problem is that this is part of the process. I have had instances where a user would ask me if they could email the form after the process is complete. They are accessing it via their Forms Inbox/Completed Forms. When it opens, the only option is to print.

Since it is random, I don't want to add an email as part of the process. I guess I will just have them Print to PDF in order to add it to an email.

To be honest, I was quite surprised there is no email button as an option.


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replied on January 20, 2022 Show version history

How about modifying the topics of your post to include "idea"?  I could see a use for this.

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replied on January 20, 2022

Done. Thanks for your suggestions.

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replied on January 20, 2022

Hi Mary,

We'd like to understand a bit more about this use case. The "Print" function effectively allows the user to save a local copy for themselves. To whom are these users looking to sometimes email a copy of a completed form after the process is complete?

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replied on January 26, 2022

This came up as part of our "Reference Form" that HR uses to track calls and information. The HR department had to email the form to a department supervisor after the instance was complete, but it was preferred that the item was not downloaded to a local computer first. We did end up printing it to a pdf (save locally) and adding it to the email.


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replied on January 26, 2022

Gotcha. Most customers I've worked with that have a use case like this use a Save to Repository task for the completed form(s). If they need to directly email the form(s) at a later date, they do so through Web Client's email function.

Would something like that work for you?

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replied on January 26, 2022

That is what we do for most processes, but it wasn't needed for this at the time of development. All the information is available in Forms. This instance was subject to unforeseen circumstances. I know how to work around it, but I figured if there was a print button available, why not an email button.

It seems silly to save everything for the occasional email.

To avoid the download, I now recommend they print using LF Snapshot to a holding folder in the repository. That way we avoid the local download.

In the future they may decide to keep all the instances. At that time, I will configure the Save to Repository task.

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