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table field rules help me please

asked on December 8, 2021

I have a problem with mi filed rules , when i choose the first column and Im select the letter J I show me file upload but when I select the same option in the second column i dont show me anything


this is the example



I dont watch any button

my filed rules 



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replied on December 9, 2021

What version of Forms are you using? I created similar table and field rules with Forms 11 and Forms 10.4.5, it works for me:


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replied on December 10, 2021

In the topics above he chose Laserfiche Cloud, so I expect he's talking Cloud, not on-prem.

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replied on December 10, 2021 Show version history

To possibly simplify this from having to create a line rule for every ROW

You could create a Hidden Validation field and use a formula such as 


This looks for the letter J in the first column of the table, if it finds a J, it sets the value to Yes

You can then just use this in your rule to Show the Upload Field when this field contains Yes.


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replied on December 10, 2021

Xiuhong Xiang yes it´s correct your example and Im watching that the example is in Laserfiche Onpremises and Im working in Laserfiche cloud, if you show me an example in cloud, I would appreciate it :)

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replied on December 10, 2021

Steve Knowlton thaks I WILL TRY TO APPLY your method

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replied on December 12, 2021

It's a bug with fixed number of rows option for table in Cloud. It has been logged as #356869

You can change the table option to "range of rows" and set the min rows and max rows with same number as workaround, this can add fixed number of rows as well, but you will not be able to set different row labels.

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replied on December 13, 2021

Xiuhong Xiang thank you for your answer, I will apply it :)

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