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Feature Request: Multi-Window Workflow Designer

posted on November 19, 2021

Something I've run into multiple times is the need to coordinate variables and such between multiple workflows/tabs while working in the designer.

As a result, I often find myself with several tabs in the workflow designer open switching between them frequently to make sure everything matches up.

In some cases, I'll take a screenshot of something or open a remote session in another window just so I can compare the two items side-by-side.

Something that would be incredibly helpful is the ability to detach a tab from the main interface much like you can do in Visual Studio and other similar applications, or at the very least be able to utilize a grid view to do the same.

That would allow us to have tabs on multiple displays, or at least a split view on the same display, so we can compare without jumping back and forth.

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replied on February 23, 2022

any update on this?  This feature was requested by users several years ago, but still does not seem to be addressed.

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replied on November 19, 2021

Also would be handy to have multiple windows/tabs for being connected to multiple workflow servers.

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replied on November 19, 2021

Great point! So maybe a better example would be SSMS where you can detach windows, but also have an object explorer for the various servers, and connection settings for each tab/window.

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