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Double Emails

asked on November 15, 2021

Hi, can someone guide me on this issue? When this WF is ran, I get double emails that are exactly the same. Here is my process.

Double Emails.jpg
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replied on November 15, 2021

Here was the issue.  I corrected it wf_user to  make  it work right.

Double Emails 2.jpg
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replied on November 15, 2021

This looks fine Carlos, so the likely place to check is if the workflow is being triggered twice by you rule.

Check your Workflow instances to see if this is the case.

Once you open the Workflow instance you can check the Activities which would show the steps taken in the workflow. If it shows it only steps through once, then very likely your rules.

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replied on November 15, 2021

¿Cuál es la regla de inicio del workflow?

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replied on November 15, 2021

Ok,  thanks to you Mr. Steve I found the issue in the  rules like you mentioned. It was my User name in all three rules was missed spelled. Thankkkkkssss


Ok, gracias a usted Sr. Steve. Encontré el problema en las reglas como usted mencionó. Era mi nombre de usuario en las tres reglas que se omitió deletrear.
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