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Post-submission revision of form fields

posted on November 11, 2021


Just had a question about Biz Processes and the ability to send a submitted form back to the submitter with live data and have them update inaccurately filled fields. It's not currently possible to do this, but we were wondering if anyone has some helpful workarounds or feedback. Thanks.

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replied on November 12, 2021

Check out this sample process, found under the Design Tab.  I use this format for many of my approval forms.

replied on November 11, 2021

Are the submitters using public form without authentication? 

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replied on November 11, 2021

Yes, they'll be public submitters.

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replied on November 14, 2021

For public submitter, if you ask them to provide the email on the initial form, you can get the values of fields with workflow and construct a link with prepopulated fields values( ) and email the user with the link, in this way, the user can update based on their previously filled values. 

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replied on November 15, 2021

Ok great. We'll take a closer look at this option.


Would it be done differently if the submitter's were internal LF users?

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replied on November 15, 2021

I think he meant already licensed users not necessarily internal users. Different for internal only if they are licensed users, you can just create a path and task to send back to the submitter for corrections.

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replied on November 15, 2021

Yes, that's what I meant, already licensed full users.

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