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Files moved from one folder to another reverts back

asked on November 2, 2021

We have this unique issue and we can't figure out what's causing it.

We have a Business Process to scan for files in Folder A, apply a stamp to all the pages in the file and move it to Folder B. The business process ends there.

Users then move the stamped files from Folder B to it's appropriate location based on various criteria.

The problem is that these moved files revert back to Folder B randomly. Sometimes, immediately, sometimes after up to 2 days. We have tried drag and drop, cut+paste.

Has anyone experienced like this? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


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replied on November 3, 2021

Can you paste a snip of your Workflow Start Rule?

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replied on November 19, 2021




Sorry about the delayed response. It looks for entries in a specific folder. See below.

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replied on November 3, 2021

If you have Audit Trail, can you see in the audit logs what user is identified in the move event?

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replied on November 19, 2021

Sorry about the delayed reply. I don't think we have audit trail setup. Thank you.

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replied on November 19, 2021





Sorry about the delayed response. It looks for entries in a specific folder. See below.

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