I'm struggling with a particular desired process flow and would like some assistance. What I want to happen is this:
Path splits to 7 parallel approvers. They have the following decisions:
- Approve - approve
- Reject - reject
- Agenda - put this topic on the next meetings agenda.
- Discuss - informal discussion before any votes are official. This essential will clear out any previous decisions and resend the task to everyone.
- Abstain - non impactful decision recorded
Every one has to record a decision. So I would need a parallel merge to wait for all decisions before proceeding, but if at anytime someone chooses Discuss, I need to allow anyone that has completed their task already to change their decision.
What I really need is for an interrupt to actually satisfy a parallel wait, but it doesn't. The way it is setup now it waits for the interrupted path and thus never goes anywhere.
Any ideas?