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pattern matching to stop at an underscore

asked on September 15, 2021

I am using pattern matching to apply a template to documents with specific naming conventions.

My doucment name is : PIN_10_FC_Docket#N-00066-05_Tompkins County Family Court_Judge Rowley_

I only to capture anything between the work Docket and _.

In the example above, I want to capture #N-00066-05

the pattern I am using is ....\d+.\D\D.......(.*)(?:[__]) but it returns: 

#N-00066-05_Tompkins County Family Court_Judge Rowley_


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replied on September 15, 2021

Hi Susan,

The issue is that the (.*) portion of your pattern is capturing everything, including underscores, as the '.' substitutes for any character.

A better way to do it would be to use [^] for any character NOT in set, and specify the underscore as the character that you want to include.  So the pattern would be:



Additionally, if the word Docket is always there, you could simplify this even more by just using:



Hope that helps,




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replied on September 16, 2021

That worked!

I found that sometimes the work "Docket" is spelled incorrectly but the symbol "#" is always there so I used that instead.

thanks Mike!



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replied on September 15, 2021 Show version history

I would first load the string (document name) into a multivalue token using the Split function and split on "_".  Then I would get the item from index 4 of the multivalue token and strip out the word "Docket".

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