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Laserfiche Compatible SDK Version

asked on September 9, 2021

In another post (sdk - Laserfiche Answers), the Laserfiche rep mentioned that a .NET Core compatible SDK was in the works and could possibly be released later that year (2018). Has any further development been done with this? I also notice that there isn't a SDK 11 release (at least not yet). Is the 10.2 or 10.4 SDK versions compatible with Laserfiche 11?


I also see that an API is being released for the cloud. Will this be released for OnPrem installations any time soon?

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replied on November 11, 2022

.Net 6 API is now available for self-hosted systems.

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replied on September 16, 2021

There are currently no plans to release an .Net Core SDK. The Laserfiche Server is backwards compatible with previous versions, so the 10.2 and 10.4 SDKs will work with Laserfiche 11.

The web API released for Laserfiche Cloud will not be released for self-hosted servers.

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replied on September 16, 2021

Thanks Miruna. Not the answer I was hoping for .NET Core SDK, but appreciate the direct answer.

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replied on May 26, 2022

Any update to this status?  Our organization is just getting into using the SDK, but if we won't be able to ever use it with current versions of .NET (.NET Core & .NET 5 and up), we may need to consider a different path that does not include the SDK.

Saying "There are currently no plans to release an .Net Core SDK." is basically the same as saying "our SDK product is deprecated and we will not be updating it at all".  Is that where we're at?

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replied on May 26, 2022

That's not quite right. The Laserfiche SDK supports .Net Framework 4.8 which is the current version of .Net Framework. So it is very much not deprecated.

.Net (Core, 5 and up) is not a direct upgrade of .Net Framework, so adding support for it requires some level of re-write of our SDK.  Which we are currently doing for the Laserfiche Cloud in the form of the Laserfiche API. Porting all the functionality may not necessarily be possible in part due to missing functionality in .Net. Some parts of the new API may be considered for release to self-hosted customers later on, but I don't have a firm date at this time.

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replied on May 27, 2022 Show version history

Thanks for your response.  I'm sorry but I don't agree with your viewpoint.  4.8 is the final version of .NET Framework that will ever be released, because it has been superceded by .NET / formerly .NET Core.  Anyone working the .NET world who makes a new application today is going to be using .NET 6, not .NET Framework 4.8. 

I understand that rewrites would be necessary and there are technical limitations that come with the multiplatform nature of .NET.  But if Laserfiche isn't going to deal with those hurdles in the SDK, then they should be up front with customers about it and stop selling the SDK product.

We don't use Laserfiche Cloud so new features for that product are not relevant to me.  To me this is a strong signal that Laserfiche plans to phase out both the SDK and on-premise Laserfiche in general, which does not make me happy.

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replied on November 11, 2022

.Net 6 API is now available for self-hosted systems.

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replied on November 15, 2022

Thanks for the update! I will pass this along.

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