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Scanner is leaving black strips on the sides of paper

asked on August 23, 2021

This is occurring on the duplex scan setting and only on the back sides of the papers it scans.  The front side looks fine.  Looked over the scanner and do not see any reason for it to occur. Has anyone else run into this issue with a Panasonic scanner?



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replied on August 23, 2021

It can be hard to see things on the glass strip, best to just use a swab and rubbing alcohol to clean it really good. It should either be dirty glass or a problem with the light.

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replied on August 23, 2021 Show version history

If there was something on the glass, wouldn't it be putting black strips along both sides of the paper it is scanning?  It's only showing up on the back sides of the pages being scanned.  The first side of the page looks fine.  The back side of the same page has the black strip running all the way down the side of the paper.

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replied on August 23, 2021

The scanner should have a front scanner glass and a back scanner glass on opposite sides (top/bottom) of the scan path.  If you are getting the issue only on the back page, then the glass you need to clean is the glass that the back side of the page passes in front of.  Use a lot of elbow grease and clean the whole width and depth of the glass.  Then when you think it is clean, clean it a bit more.

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