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Can Workflow be used to update a Forms table?

asked on August 16, 2021 Show version history


My current goal is to do the following:

  1. User submits Form A. Workflow A kicks off and the Forms process waits for Wf A to finish.
  2. Wf A will do things and update a dynamic list (array) of tokens. These tokens are to be used to update a table in Forms (specifically Form B). Wf A ends.
  3. Forms process proceeds to Form B. Form B will populate its table with the dynamic amount of tokens provided by Wf A. The user will fill checkboxes respective to each row in the forms table. Form B is submitted.
  4. Workflow B will kick off and do things based on each row in Form B.

I am currently on step 2. I am trying to see if I can create an array token or some kind of dynamic data structure but the Create Tokens activity doesn't seem to have a choice for what I'm looking for.

Is what I'm trying to do currently possible?

Please let me know if anything needs clarification/elaboration.

Thank you.


P.S. The screenshots attached demonstrate what the Form B table will look like before/after Wf A runs. The update column is what the user will input in Form B. Wf B would update the tables that were checked yes.

p1.JPG (13.89 KB)
p2.JPG (22.21 KB)
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replied on August 16, 2021

You can use the index to treat multiple disjointed multi-value tokens as a single array or matrix.

Just ensure you always add some value, never blank, when inserting data, so that your multi-value token lengths always match.

Now you can reference a row by the same index number or perform a for each on any value, and use the current iteration to access the row value of any other column when referencing the other tokens.

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