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Laserfiche Cloud - Email Attachment with .Tiff file

asked on August 9, 2021

I am currently using Email activity within Laserfiche workflow cloud. Problem is we are no able to attach .Tiff image file format within Email Attach activity and its allowed only electronic document .

How we can attach .Tiff image file format within Laserfiche cloud email activity ? 

Email Electronic Document.png
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replied on November 6, 2023

Users can do it manually but workflow can't. Is there a time frame from Laserfiche for this feature release? Users really need this feature!

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replied on November 30, 2023

I concur, it keeps coming up.  We either need a workflow action to convert image files to pdf prior to sending as email attachments or the ability to send the image itself as an email attachment. 

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replied on August 9, 2021

Image pages cannot currently exported as an attachment to email. You can only send shortcuts or document URLs to internal users at this time.

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replied on October 10, 2022

Is this "feature" going to be available any time soon in Cloud? It seems like a pretty basic ask to be able to email an entry regardless of the file type.

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replied on October 10, 2022

I agree with Jesse. . .it does seem a little bit absurd that we can send anything except the actual native file format for Laserfiche.  If a document has both a PDF and TIFF file, there should be some way in Forms or at least in Workflow to send the fully annotated version of the document.  Any ideas of a workaround on this for now?  If a customer needs to send a signed copy of a document (signed with a sigature stamp) to the other entity. . .how would they do that? 

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replied on May 12, 2023

What @Bryan said above. The thing we can't send by email is Laserfiche's native document format.

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replied on September 19, 2023

Has there been any movement on this? I'm trying to convert a workflow from on-prem to Cloud, and the key part of the workflow (attaching a file to an email) does not function. 

Has anyone come up with a viable work around? 

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replied on February 6, 2024

Is there any update on this? Are there plans to change this or is this just the way it will be moving forward?

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