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Adding a column name to ODBC data insert table in Workflow

asked on July 12, 2021

Am asked to include the TestOptInFlag field for a Application Report Laserfiche Process by the Business User. Currently when i run this process it provides a report of the number of applicants who've applied for the test, i need to add a field to this report. This was developed by a different team member and am just modifying the existing workflow.

I went ahead and included the field in the workflow to show up and was able to set the value in the Insert data, but how do I change the column name(F47 needs to be named Testing). I need to name the column in the table Detail$. Any quick guidance?

Attached a screen shot below.


pic1.jpg (149.55 KB)
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replied on July 12, 2021

ODBC is a general connection type that can apply to a wide range of things. ODBC can be Excel files, Spreadsheets, Oracle dbs, etc.

Really, it's just a middle man that Microsoft provides to create database connections using drivers, and in this case it looks like it was set up to use a spreadsheet (either Excel or CSV as Miruna mentioned).

The ODBC connection should be set up at the server level, so if you access the Workflow server and open the "ODBC Data Sources" app, you can find that connection and track down where the file is stored.

There are 64-bit and 32-bit versions of ODBC so you may need to check both (I'd start with 64-bit), but what you're looking for would mostly likely be under the System DSN tab and using the Microsoft Excel driver, but just look for the name that matches the db name configured on the workflow side.

From there, the Database section will tell you where you can find the file, and that file is where you will need to update the column header.

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replied on July 12, 2021

The column names come from the spreadsheet (Excel? CSV?) file that's behind the data source. You want to fix it there and then refresh the data source in Workflow.

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replied on July 12, 2021

When i run the process i get the report in an excel format. Not sure where to look for the spread sheet to fix the column name. Havent worked much with the ODBC connection in workflows. Am more familiar with SQL connection.

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replied on July 12, 2021

ODBC is a general connection type that can apply to a wide range of things. ODBC can be Excel files, Spreadsheets, Oracle dbs, etc.

Really, it's just a middle man that Microsoft provides to create database connections using drivers, and in this case it looks like it was set up to use a spreadsheet (either Excel or CSV as Miruna mentioned).

The ODBC connection should be set up at the server level, so if you access the Workflow server and open the "ODBC Data Sources" app, you can find that connection and track down where the file is stored.

There are 64-bit and 32-bit versions of ODBC so you may need to check both (I'd start with 64-bit), but what you're looking for would mostly likely be under the System DSN tab and using the Microsoft Excel driver, but just look for the name that matches the db name configured on the workflow side.

From there, the Database section will tell you where you can find the file, and that file is where you will need to update the column header.

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replied on July 12, 2021

Thanks for the explanation. Was able to locate the file. 

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