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fujitsu or kodak

asked on June 24, 2021

Good afternoon,

we are replacing our Fujitsu Fi-6670 scanners and would like to get some feedback on replacement. We are considering Fujitsu Fi-7800 and Kodak i-4250. Can anyone chime in on their experience with these scanners and integration with QF.

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replied on June 24, 2021 Show version history

Kodak drivers and Laserfiche software don't get along well in my experience. We were persuaded to buy an expensive Kodak production scanner to use with Quick Fields. It was a great scanner mechanically but we wasted many, many hours trying to keep it running happily with QF.

Finally we passed the Kodak scanner on to another department. It's working beautifully in that department, because it's being driven by Kodak Capture Pro software instead of by Laserfiche Quick Fields.

Since then, we've been using Canon models for our production scanners and have been very happy.

After that, I would never buy a Kodak scanner for a Laserfiche environment. I don't have experience using Fujitsu scanners with LF.

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replied on June 24, 2021

I know we have quite a few customers happily using Fujitsu scanners with Laserfiche.

I'd say the most important element is TWAIN or WIA driver support on the scanner. A highly disproportionate number of scanning support cases involve ISIS scan drivers. You don't want those to be your only option.

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replied on June 25, 2021

Thank you Tim and Samuel, I really appreciate your input. Samuel, do you normally integrate QF and scanner using ScanConnect or TWAIN? We are using Kofax VRS for our scanning with QF but lately we are getting some Kofax software crashes even after re-installing it. It seems Fujitsu stopped using and supporting the Kofax software.

I'll check out the Canon production scanners and see if they are good match for us.

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replied on June 25, 2021

Welcome :)

We recommend TWAIN where possible. ScanConnect = ISIS drivers.

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replied on June 25, 2021

Tim, we are leaning towards Canon Dr-G2140. Are you guys using it with Kofax or TWAIN or some other setup when scanning in QF?

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replied on June 25, 2021

Tim, I think I still have flashbacks of those QF troubleshooting sessions. In fact, with my new company, we just use network scanners if at all possible. Give users a button for the document type, store to a network path, and then import to LF where they can do indexing. No more driver troubleshooting.

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replied on June 27, 2021

Hi Pieter! Good to hear from you.  <Laughing> So we managed to make ourselves that memorable? Yes, I'm sure those were frustrating for all involved. I was glad we had good support but very relieved when ditched the Kodak scanner and got the Canon which was less expensive and very reliable.

Amir, We like to use whatever is least headache-prone and most reliable, regardless of the possibility of a performance penalty. That had led us to TWAIN. I really think you'll be happy with the Canon production scanners. I hope it goes great for you!



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replied on June 27, 2021

Thank you. I'm placing an order for 1 Canon and will see how that goes and expand.


I really appreciate your input on this matter



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replied on June 28, 2021

I'd like to add another thumbs up here for Canon scanners. yes

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replied on July 13, 2021

We ended up purchasing two (for now) Canon DR-2140 and they are great machines with ton of options and settings. There are few quirks however that we didn't expect and one that we couldn't get around. For the good things; its fast, rarely jams, easy feeding and pickup.. we scan ton of W-2's and so far no issues. Driver settings are plentiful and easy to understand with great help documentation. 

Odd/Bad things: We can't get the stop button in QF to stop the scanner.. we can start it from QF but not stop. If someone has any suggestions please let me know. We tried just about every option. We use QF user interface and don't like to have TWAIN screen to click scan to come up.. we have it set so that user clicks Start in QF and it starts scanning without any pop-ups. Another odd thing is that we had some color pictures of W-2s that customer took with their phone, we printed in black and white and it's rather dark gray but you can still read everything, but under TWAIN scanning it would actually discard those and they would never come over to QF or if they did they were too dark.. tried number of settings but nothing really worked. They came over just fine on Fujitsu. We ended up installing Kofax and setting auto brightness on and pages came over crystal clear.. dark gray background was turned into white and text and lines were black, just perfect. Imprinter is optional add on is another issue so we will need to purchase $320 kit.

I think that's all for the quirks/bad stuff for now. Hopefully this helps someone trying to make a decision on scanners. I still like it and I'm glad we bought it even with few of those quirks.

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replied on July 13, 2021

Hi Amir,


Are you able to install ISIS drivers using ScanConnect? You'll get many more features of the scanner unlocked using ISIS.



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replied on July 14, 2021

HI Chris,

I was not able to use ScanConnect.. scanner is not listed. Driver package has everything, ISIS/TWAIN and WIA but when you get to the selecting scanner its just not there in ScanConnect. I was hoping to try that option but I had similar problems with Fujitsu where I wasn't able to use ScanConnect. I might need to try again and see if I see anything out of order.

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replied on July 14, 2021

Hi Amir,


Most of our customers use ScanConnect, as like I said you get much more functionality from the scanner. Particularly things like double feed detection etc. if the scanner supports it.


Certainly worth another go in my opinion smiley

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