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Records Series and Folders Conflict

asked on June 4, 2021 Show version history



I inherited a repository when someone retired. I'm not sure how the folder structure was setup or what changed from the time it was setup and now but I am running into the same issue over and over. I get an error message when trying to create a folder or a Record Series within a departments folder structure.



Current folder structure that is working and departments are familiar with:


My question is how should I address this problem? We have several forms for each department that save to the process folder. Once there the documents are picked up by a workflow and moved around. The error happens when I tell the workflow to move the document to 2 EOFY + 2 years and create it if it does not exist. I tried to create a new Record Series named Retention Folders but it won't let me because that structure has Record Series and folders. 

We are running version 10.2 and we have 54 department folder structures setup like this. In some of the record series we have working folders that work in conjunction with human interaction and workflows. We have several hundred forms that utilize this setup as well. 

Like I said this system was setup between our previous administrator and our vendor. 

Has anyone addressed this issue in the past and is there a work around so we aren't holding production up? Thanks!



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replied on June 4, 2021

The Laserfiche server does not allow mixing record folders and series as direct children of a record series. However, older versions did, so existing record folders are kept along with the record series. But you can't create new ones as long as you have record series in the "732 Payroll Department" series. You can create more child record series and put your record folders under those.

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replied on June 4, 2021

When I try to create a record series within the 732 Payroll Department I am greeted with this error.


I understand that they can no longer be within the same record series but the error message is making me think that I must remove the folders before I can add another record series. I don't want to go through all of the forms that are current saving to the Process folder or rewrite the workflows that run within these folders yet mainly because I don't know everything that is associated with them. Is there a way around this error so I can create a new child record series?

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