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Pattern Match Works in Test, Fails in Production

posted on May 18, 2021

We have a situation where we can test a match successfully using the OCR results from our Sample page. However then we Run Processes on the same sample page, the match does not hit.

Here is the test pane, showing the match, the input, and the result, which was successful. It is multiline. We are looking for any number of letters and numbers after the phrase, BOL #.


The test value came right from the Output window.


But, when we run All Processes, we get the same OCR results, and no match:

Color us puzzled - is there something obvious we need to add?

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replied on May 19, 2021

Excellent suggestions, Robert, especially checking the input zone. 

In this case it's something else. Here s the zone, named OCR - PO #:


with the correct mapping:


I did not try a different RegEx, because when I tested this session, it worked perfectly with no change:


So now the question is, why is the same session behaving in a different manner on two different machines?



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replied on May 20, 2021

Not sure unfortunately - Quick Fields behaves in weird ways on the odd occasion, I sometimes have to close and re-open the session, as like yourself, you set up the session, you know it should work but it doesn't for unknown reasons. But when I re-open the session it works.


Glad you got it working though! laugh

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replied on May 26, 2021

We had the same experience - we moved the session to a new machine, and it still failed. We closed it/saved it and restarted. And then (of course) it worked perfectly.  Moved the session from machine 2 to machine 1 and that worked as well.


Go figure!

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replied on May 19, 2021

Just firing some theories your way:

  • Has your Pattern Match token got the OCR results as an input in the production version?
  • Have you tried a simpler Pattern match format, for example: BOL\D+(\w+)\s?

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