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How to remove automatic page break from pdf file in repository.

asked on April 21, 2021

I am able to upload a form submission into my repository as a pdf, however the issue is that the pdf automatically adds a page break right after the header. This makes my pdf file ugly since the first page is pretty much blank.

Attached is a screenshot of the pdf (edited for privacy reasons)

In the form, I am using a section right after the header, so I'm thinking that this might be the reason that the page break is happening. Laserfiche keeps the section complete in its own page by breaking right after the header.

Assuming that this is true, any ideas as to how to bypass this? I've read into the pagination feature but i don't want my form to use the page tabs feature when the user is filling it out.

Thank you

ex.JPG (28.07 KB)
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replied on April 22, 2021

Hi Fernando,

Which version are you using? Is there any CSS may affect the layout on form?

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replied on April 22, 2021

Thank you for taking the time to respond Ziyan,

The version that I am using is the Professional Version .

As for the CSS, there are some style rules but I do not believe that any should be causing a page break like this.


For a makeshift solution, I've removed the section field from the form layout. This got rid of the page break after the header.

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replied on April 22, 2021

Unfortunately I could not reproduce this issue on my side. Maybe you can try methods mentioned in

  • Check remove page breaks from saved forms
  • or apply CSS
    .cf-page-readonly:not(.first-page){page-break-before: avoid !important;}
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