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How to create an add and delete button and functionality in Laserfiche forms

asked on April 1, 2021 Show version history

Hello, I'm still new to this but Is there a way to create an single line and under in single line there an add and delete button or icon. For example A student fill out a form put in there college course and they want add another course they click on the Add button and add another course in the next single line. Is there a way to create this in forms?? If you don't understand this question please me know and I will go in more detail... Also here are some example

delete row button.png
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replied on April 1, 2021 Show version history

I think this is what you are trying to do...

This worked in my own testing, other than I occassionally had to click the buttons twice before they worked, I think it is a focus issue, but I couldn't quite nail it down.

This assumes that your table has Class Name of myTable, that one of the Single-Line fields in your table has Class Name of myTableField, and that field has the checkbox marked for "Previous data and new rows with lookup data will be read-only, but user-added rows will be editable."

Add this CSS to your form: 

/*Set the appearance of the custom Add and Delete buttons on the table*/
.myButton { 
  display: inline-flex; 
  align-items: center; 
  font-size: 14px; 
  position: relative; 
  max-height: 30px; 
  min-height: 30px;
  background-color: #007bff;
  color: white;
  border: 0px;
  border-radius: 7px;


Add this Javascript to your form: 

$(document).ready(function() {
  //When the form loads, call the RemoveDeleteFromDisabledRows and ReplaceDeleteAndAddWithButtons functions.
  $('.myTableField input').each(RemoveDeleteFromDisabledRows);
  $('.myTableField input').each(ReplaceDeleteAndAddWithButtons);
  //When the table changes, call the RemoveDeleteFromDisabledRows and ReplaceDeleteAndAddWithButtons functions.
  //When rows are added to the table, call the RemoveDeleteFromDisabledRows and ReplaceDeleteAndAddWithButtons functions.
  //When this function is called, it will cycle through each table row and if the myTableField
  //field is disabled, it will remove the option to delete that row from the table.
  function RemoveDeleteFromDisabledRows()
  //When this function is called, it will cycle through each table row and replace the delete
  //x's with delete buttons, and the add link with add button.
  function ReplaceDeleteAndAddWithButtons()
    $(this).closest('li').find('.form-del-field').html('<button class="myButton">Delete</button>');
    $('.cf-table-add-row').html('<button class="myButton">Add +</button>');


End result looks like this:


All this is doing is replacing the links for the add and delete items in the table with custom buttons.

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replied on April 1, 2021 Show version history

Yes, you should be able to do that by:

  1. Setting the row options on the collection or table to be “Append rows to the rows populated by a data source or variable”.
  2. Setting the Field options on the table column fields or lookup target fields to be “Previous data or new lookup data will be read-only, but user-added sets will be editable”

And you can set the minimum to be 0 if you don’t want any pre-appended-editable rows at the bottom.

These settings can achieve the following:

  1. Previous data or lookup data will be read-only and cannot be deleted at the top
  2. Users can manually add data that will be editable and deletable at the bottom


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replied on April 27, 2021

Hey Jared, is there a way the to keep the Field Label to show only once and then when you click I only want to see the text box only??

N16.JPG (36.17 KB)
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