I have a Forms Process that completes successfully, and initiates a workflow to generate a certificate that is then emailed to who it needs to go to. The problem was that the non breaking character space aka ( ) was showing up on the certificate in a certain place:
It had to go away. Not acceptable.
I looked on LF Answers, and could not find exactly what I needed so, searched online and found the following advice:
"As for your problem with seeing them in your Word document, it's very easy to fix. All you need to do is copy-paste and example of an NBSP into the search part of Find and Replace, and then type a regular space into the replace part. This should clear up your problem."
Armed with that information I headed back into Workflow and added a find replace based on the info above:
Saved the changes and published the workflow. Ran the process and voila! It worked.
Had to share in case it helps someone else. Also, if this answer is out there in Laserfiche Answers, I am sorry for being redundant!
I found the information above at the link below:
Also, if anyone has any other solutions, I would be interested.
Update 4/9/2021- I had to add the following additional items to the Find / Replace option for that Certificate generating workflow. This was due to the Rich Text field on the form that allowed the submitter to apply formatting (bulleted line items) to a list while filling out the form. When workflow brings the word doc and the form info together, those formatting characters show up:
so I found it helpful Find Replace all of these:
Hope this helps someone else.