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how to get Workflow to create a folder based on a forms step

asked on March 1, 2021

Hi, I am trying to get workflow to create a folder in Client based on variables from a forms process. I have the workflow like this: 

and I have this in the process diagram in Forms

However, the folder is not creating. It is like Forms is not communicating with WF at all and the process doesn't even start... HELP?

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replied on March 1, 2021 Show version history

I can tell you are using a pretty old version of Forms but that should still work with what you're trying to do.

Can you check on the Workflow side if that workflow instance started? It sounds like your post suggests no, but just to be sure. If not...

Have you started any workflows using a Forms process? You may need to have an Admin check in the Forms Config page to make sure it is pointing to the correct Workflow server and testing that connection. 

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