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Why is a forward slash considered an escape character in Workflow?

asked on February 5, 2021

If I put a / before token syntax it outputs the syntax instead of the value


IE: /%(RetrieveBusinessProcessVariables_End_Month) will output:


Instead of /10

Isn't the escape character \?

/ is used for dates and is normally not an escape character

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replied on February 8, 2021

The backslash is commonly used for folder paths, so the forward slash was considered less disruptive. Use 2 of them to indicate you want the literal slash.

It's also a misconception that the backslash is a universal escape character. It's only an escape character in regular expressions.

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replied on February 8, 2021

Got it, I guess all my escaping has only ever been done in regular expressions so I was programmed to think of \ as escaping characters which allows safe use of dates in the patterns

Will have to remember to use the double forward slash

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