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Laserfiche Forms attachments into Laserfiche via Workflow

asked on January 21, 2021

I have followed the Help file directions:


However, the activity cannot find the file:


Here are the settings on the For Each File activity:

I am about to give up the suggested method and just save the file to the repository with a Forms activity. Any suggestions?

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replied on January 25, 2021 Show version history

Hi Chris

If the Upload field is in a Collection or a Table, then you first need to use For each row to target the Tabel/Collection, and then the For Each File to capture the Upload field with the Row of the table. Example below

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replied on January 22, 2021

Hi Chris

The picture at the top is the right process, can you show summary for all activities and then paste a screenshot of your Workflow here

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replied on January 22, 2021

Retrieve Biz Proc Vars:

For Each File:

Create Entry:

Attach Electric Document:

Assign Token Values

Email - districtcontracts


Let me know if you need anything else specific! Thanks so much!

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replied on January 22, 2021 Show version history

Hi Chris

From what I see, you have put both of your Forms Upload Variables fields in your File Collection Field. This is why it's not working, as you put both values in the field (Var1\Var2), that is the variable name it is looking for. You would need a separate For Each File loop for each of the Upload variables. Just put the one variable and test it out and I think you will find it works.

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replied on January 22, 2021

Yes, that was the only option I had available for the File collection:

I tried the changes you suggest:

For Each File 2:

Then the nested For Each File:

I don't have a way to put an individual file variable anywhere at the moment. What am I doing wrong here?

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replied on January 22, 2021 Show version history

do you have 1 upload  field or two? The should show up as 2 different variable if you have 2 upload fields

Not nested, each is completely separate

for each file (var 1)

create entry

attach docs

assign tokens


for each file (var 2)

create entry

attach docs

assign tokens

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replied on January 22, 2021

Ok, I think I see. You have the 2 forms that upload field is on. In your retrieve business variables just select the field in one of the forms, not both, see if that helps

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replied on January 22, 2021

Also you appear to have a variable in the field name, is that correct? If so, that might be the issue as the -(dataset/Contract Type) doesn’t appear in the File Collection token picker.

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replied on January 23, 2021

Hi Chris

I ran a test here like your setup and had not problem making it work.

The one things that doesn't make sense is how your Variable name in File Collection contains a "\" as that is not supported.

If I was you I'd start by looking at your Upload Fields Variable name in your form.
I tend to create my own variable names such as ContractCancelUpload and not use the automatic variables created by Forms which can be long and full of spaces.

If you want to connect through a webmeeting I'd be happy to take a look at it with you. 

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replied on January 23, 2021

Let me take a look at what you have discovered here. My email is in one of the pics above if you want to reach out. Thanks so much for digging into it. I was handed this process, so I am doing some reverse engineering on it. Thanks SO MUCH!

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replied on January 25, 2021 Show version history

@████████, I determined the cause of the issue over the weekend. The upload field is within a collection. Any idea if Workflow can use attachments from collection fields? 

I created a new upload field outside of the collection and it worked fine. Thanks for your help with getting familiar with this feature. 

Since I am tasked with going in to other peoples Forms and swapping out a Forms email event with a Workflow email activity, I am guessing I could come across another scenario using a collection with an upload field. So, I would really like to sure about this.

I'll be searching the online help file in the meantime :)

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replied on January 25, 2021 Show version history

Hi Chris

If the Upload field is in a Collection or a Table, then you first need to use For each row to target the Tabel/Collection, and then the For Each File to capture the Upload field with the Row of the table. Example below

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replied on January 25, 2021

Yes that it is it precisely. Thank you so much!!

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replied on January 22, 2021

We use Forms to save our documents into a single process folder.

Then we use WorkFlow to move them to appropriate folders.

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replied on January 22, 2021

Yes, that would work.

Back story:

I have to go back and modify a ton of forms processes because of a change in email functionality. Basically, for most Forms Email events I now have to use Workflow to do it. I would really like to be able to capture the attachment only in Workflow rather than having to add to Forms Workflow event AND a Save To Repository event. I'll give this another day or so to hear from Laserfiche.


The bigger issue is that the Help file appears to be incorrect OR I have a support issue. I just want to be sure the Help file is accurate. 

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replied on January 22, 2021

Can you post the screenshot of the attach activity? Or turn on the descriptions like the help file has so we can see what tokens you are using?

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replied on January 22, 2021

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