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Forms Scheduler?

asked on January 20, 2021

Has anyone tried to integrate a 3rd party scheduling app into Forms or built a good appointment picker?  Looking for a way to give people an option to schedule an appointment but only show them available slots.  Doesn't seem to be a good way to do this within LF only.  Looking for any advice. Thanks.

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replied on January 20, 2021 Show version history


We have implemented this functionality using Forms, Workflow, and SQL.  Basically pre-writing available locations and timeslots to a set of SQL tables and then having Forms do a lookup for locations/timeslots that are not already 'scheduled'.  As timeslots are scheduled Workflow updates the SQL tables to mark them as unavailable.  One of our customers uses this to schedule vaccinations.

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replied on January 20, 2021

Thanks, yes, initially this is about vaccinations but we are concerned with overloading the server as this is in a major city and we'd assume way too many people applying at the same time so any lookups would be out of date by the time they hit "Submit".  Have you seen any issues with that?

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replied on January 21, 2021

Hey Bryan, The process Cliff is referencing is our process.  We do experience some duplicates.  This generally happens on initial release and it seems to happen with even times like 1pm, 2pm, not so much the 1:10pm or odd slots.  One thing we've done is put the lookup at the bottom of the form so when the date is chosen and the lookup for time slots are done its basically sign and submit.  We initially ran the process with flu vaccine last fall and obviously with flu vaccine were not limited on supply so an extra appointment or two isn't a big deal.  Were now running the same process with COVID19 vaccine and so far we've had a few duplicates but with cancellations and no shows were still scrambling to give away our extra doses at the end of the day so were doing okay.  I will say the more dates/times you have available the less duplicates happen.  Were taking in ~500 forms a day right now with tier 1a and 1b and scheduling a range of ~40 to ~100 appointments a day depending on location and staffing.  It's not perfect but functions really well for us.  Maybe someday Cliff and I will have time to sit down and improve it but with a 3 day launch window we're doing the best we can.  

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replied on January 21, 2021

Thanks, Wesley, I appreciate the insight.  Yes, this whole vaccine thing is a trip with the deadlines and urgency.  Laserfiche has definitely found some incredible use cases during this time.

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replied on January 21, 2021

Hi Bryan, you are correct that the WF can be the issue in a high volume environment in this case. We ran into a similar issue with the lag from the time the form was submitted to the WF running and the DB changes were made that we were getting overlaps. In our project. We would get 30,000 submissions a day and the workflow could be 2 hours behind the forms submissions to make the changes in the DB so this was not a viable solution.

Ultimately we ended up having to custom build (Coding) all of the DB interactions (Read/Write) live into the form as the user were making their selections to overcome this problem, then when the form was submitted it locked in their choices.

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