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Move Pages -- NOT showing the Pages that were Moved

asked on January 7, 2021

I have a workflow that is taking a fillable PDF and filling it in.   I then want to take another document and add its pages to the end of the pdf.


For simplification purpose, the flow below just show us moving the fillable PDF to a new location and then trying to move pages from the entry that started this workflow.  (in other words, i left out all the steps to fill in the PDF since that is working)

now for the odd part.  When i go to the repository and use Reprocess with PhotoDocs i can actually see the two pages that were added (see second shot below)



But if i just look at the PDF which is what i ultimately need, i do not see those pages.



Any thoughts appreciated




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replied on January 8, 2021

Hi Paige

In Laserfiche, the Move Pages feature only applies to Laserfiche pages and not the PDF pages (which is deemed to be an electronic file).

In the Document viewer, if you toggle the File View, you may see the PDF in the Electronic file View and the Moved Pages when in the Pages view.

Unless you generated pages of the PDF, then no Laserfiche page would exist for the PDF pages.

There was talk of a new a feature to be added to DCC to convert PDF pages to LF pages so that you could perform this action in workflow before appending the other pages (Not sure if/when this is being released).

Beyond this, if the other pages you were moving were also pdf files, then you could use scripting to append these, but that's would require someone with considerable coding knowledge

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replied on January 8, 2021

thank you.  that at least explains the oddity!!  

so currently there is no way to convert a PDF to laserfiche pages within a workflow?


in terms of scripting, would you have any idea where i might look for a sample of such code.  i have access to VB and C# developers but not ones that have worked in laserfiche scripting so if we had something to work from, we might be able to get it to work.  i can make both documents  PDFs

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replied on January 8, 2021

Unfortunately I do not

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replied on January 10, 2021

Hi Paige

The release notes just published by LF for V11, shows the PDF generation as being launched in version 11

More Efficient PDF Page Generation: Generate image pages for PDFs using the distributed computing cluster (DCC) via Workflow to streamline high-volume capture workflows at scale. 

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replied on January 10, 2021

oh my!!!  that might be exciting.  thank you

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