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Save as Draft in Forms approval task, then re-assign does not display the draft items to other users

asked on December 24, 2020

I'd like to know if this is by design or a bug. When an approver opens a form, adds information and then clicks save as draft in the top right, then they re-assign to someone else, that someone else CAN see the draft information that was added. 

When other users click on the task to see it in read only (since it's not assigned to them), they do not see the draft information that was entered. 

We are selecting the 'Keep existing draft' when re-assigning. 

As I said, it works for the re-assigned user, but we would also like the non-assigned users (other users in the group) to be able to see the draft information that was filled out in the draft. 




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replied on December 28, 2020

Correct, this is by design. Only the assigned user can see the draft. 

For your situation, you could consider a different process flow that actually submits the form each time to mimic a "shared drafts" situation. 

On your user task, create two outflow, one that moves on to the next step and one that loops back around to the same user task. When the first person opens the task, there are two buttons at the bottom, "Save for later" (which technically submits the form and sends it back to the same user task) or "Submit to next step" (which follows the outflow on to the next step). Because the form is actually being submitted in both cases, whatever changes the user made who "saved for later" will be visible by anyone looking at the form, but the form won't move on to the next step. 

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replied on February 17, 2021

Ah, very clever solution!  Glad I stumbled upon this comment.

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replied on December 24, 2020

This appears to be by design.

I had a support case with Laserfiche as outlined here:

User submits a form, assigns the task to themselves, changes a field or attached document, and presses Save Draft. When another user opens the task, the changes are not visible. Only when the task is assigned to another user, is the change display for that user. The user that made the change, opens the task and does not see the change after assigning it. If the task is assigned back to the original user, then the changes are displayed.

Laserfiche response:

This seems to be by design. If changes are made, they must be saved first and then can be reassigned. If changes are made and the draft hasn't been saved prior, then those changes won't appear. When another user opens the task that is not assigned to then, the changes are still a draft of another user. So, that draft must be saved and assigned to them for it to display.

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