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How to hide or disable the button "add/remove fields" from the metadata view

asked on December 22, 2020

How to hide or disable the button "add/remove fields" from the metadata view as the attached 

fields add.remove.png
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replied on December 22, 2020

This option appears because the user or group has the right to modify metadata in that folder path. You can remove this button by modifying the folder security, selecting the user or group and disabling the right to 'Write Metadata'.

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replied on December 26, 2020

I did the mentioned steps with the same issue , still can "add/remove" fields as attached 

addremove.png (14.22 KB)
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replied on November 23, 2021

Thanks, Gilberto, for the explanation.  It doesn't help me much though.  I would like the user to be able to write metadata to the fields I specifically put in the template, not to fields they can pick out themselves.  It confuses them.

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