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How to log out of Web Client with Directory Server Auth

posted on December 11, 2020

I can never figure out how to log out when I get this page. Normally the log out is on the upper right, but it is hidden on this page.

The link it gives you to log out is only a link back to the same page, not to a log in screen.

I must use a different browser to get back in.

Why isn't there any options for logging out? I am going round and round in circles trying to log out.


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replied on December 14, 2020

Normally when I am met with this error, I clear the user's sessions through the admin console. 

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replied on December 14, 2020

In this case, there is no license allocated to the user and I am getting the message because I tried to login without a license. So I never was able to log in, but then I was never able to log out. I become stuck somewhere in the middle.

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