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laserfiche bot remove job

asked on December 2, 2020

how do you remove a queued instance of a Bot?


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replied on December 2, 2020

Hi Ethan, 

Currently, Bots does not support removing a queued instance on Cloud. 
If you're eager for this feature, feel free to share more details about your use case so that I can submit a feature request which meets your needs

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replied on December 3, 2020

Not as important... 


band aid solutions if you understand workers well.. just remove the queue add the queue & re-add the worker .. go to that particular workers processAutomation folder in your program files and reinstall it.. run setup program w admin rights and add the new code and done. 

you should have all the queue just disappear ... because that worker & queue is new .. 

@Laserfiche let me know if this is a bad solution

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replied on December 3, 2020

The queue is actually where the bot instances are stored. If people delete the queue, the data inside will be cleaned up. If people want to do a clean up when something is misconfigured, it is recommended to keep the queue, but delete the worker. The new registered work will do the bot inside the queue.

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replied on December 3, 2020

what do you mean by will do the bot inside the queue? .. are you saying that when i add a new worker to that queue instead.. the worker will be able to connect to the proper bot ? 


so this means that if you just remove the queue and add a new one you will run into an auth problem? aka the worker doesnt have the correct config for that new queue that you created so that workers gonna be waiting for task from a queue that doesnt exists?? 


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replied on December 3, 2020

Each time a bot is triggered, a new bot instance will be created and put into the queue, and the bot instance will be in queued status until it is taken by a worker.

Yes, when you add a new worker to that queue, the new worker will be able to take the bot instance from that queue. 

If you just remove the queue and add a new one, the existing workers will not run into an auth problem, instead they will take bot instance from new queue.  However, new queue is empty until a bot is triggered, and the bot instances in the deleted queue will be lost. 

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