asked on November 24, 2020 Show version history

The Invoke Workflow task is great in that it lets you centralize different types for business logic. But sometimes you need to change an invoked workflow, and there does not seem to be a good way to get a list of who is invoking what.


When looking at Index Fields, you also get a list of the templates a field is used in. Something like that for workflow would be helpful.  For now, this is the best I could do:


Select A.workflow_id, B.[Name], A.designer_code, A.[Version]

From [dbo].[workflow_code] A

Inner Join [dbo].[workflow] B

On A.Workflow_ID = B.Workflow_ID

Where A.[designer_code] like

'%<Name>Sub Task - Remove Folder Permissions - 1 Folder All Assigned Trustees</Name>%'


A.Designer_Code like


Order by A.Workflow_ID, A.[Version] Desc


You have to dig out the name of the invoked rule you are looking for and then examine the XML to make sure you have the right match. It gets the job done for something quick and dirty.

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