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How to lookup portion of text string

asked on November 23, 2020

I have a public facing form that I'm building that will require a person to enter an account number. I want forms to use the right 6 digits of that account number to perform a lookup. However, when I use the RIGHT formula to get the right most 6 digits from the account number forms returns an error: "This Field Contains a Calculation Error"


Formula: RIGHT(Account_Num_,6)

Seems like a simple enough formula. So I'm not sure why it isn't working. 

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replied on November 24, 2020

Try using a Single Line field for your account number, I've noticed that it doesn't work for Number fields. If you processing this in workflow, an alternative would be to process the data there instead.

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replied on November 25, 2020

Thank you! Changing the field to a single line field solved the problem. I've noticed that the number field is very limited compared to single line with other functions too. 

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replied on November 23, 2020

What field type is the account number field, a single line or a number? And what version of Forms are you using?

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replied on November 24, 2020

The input parameter for RIGHT formula need to be string type, if your field is a number field, you should use TEXT to convert the number into a string first, for example "=RIGHT(Text(Account_Num_),6)"

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