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Reminders frequency based on status

asked on October 22, 2020 Show version history

Can a person set Forms reminders to send out more often based on a Status field?

Example:  If Urgent, send reminder daily; If High send reminder weekly; If Low send reminder monthly

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replied on October 22, 2020

That isn't currently supported, but we can add it to our feature request list. Thanks for the idea. 

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replied on November 6, 2020

What you could do is use a time based interval for time being.

You could use signal throw and catch events to notify users based on that status field.

Let's say HIGH is 1 hour, medium is 2 hours and low is 3 hours.

Then you could use that field value to trigger a signal throw event and email the user based on your status field.

Although you need to train them to know why they are receiving what.


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replied on January 6, 2023

This is doable with Forms 11 Update 3.

You can use timer event and exclusive gateway to achieve it. The  conditional expression for gateway is such as "/dataset/_task_priority[@_step_id=3]="High"" , 3 is the step id of the user task.

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