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insert email link in forms processess email

asked on October 12, 2020

I have a form/process that sends out an email notification using the email service task.  I would like to insert a link inside this email to email someone else.  As in you receive notification that a form has been submitted and if you have questions about this please email this other person -   I have tried embedding the mailto: command I have tried just using a link etc.  I can only link to a http url.  Any ideas?

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replied on October 12, 2020

Hi Cindy,

I found this post and Blake Smith's answer is working for me. Just to clarify on your attempt at embedding the "mailto" command - did you configure it the way Blake describes?

Here is what I have in my test. When I receive the email, I am able to click on the link and a new message appears with as the recipient. Note that this is set up in the HTML view, not the visual view. I think the visual view defaults to http when inserting a link, but we can specify mailto in the HTML view. Let me know if this helps or not!

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replied on October 12, 2020

I don't think that is working for me.  I use outlook and the email comes in just fine so when I click on the link it ought to just open in outlook.  It doesn't, it opens a webpage.  Below is the visual and the html of the email body: 

{/dataset/First_Name} {/dataset/Last_Name} has filed a timesheet showing overtime claimed for the month of {/dataset/Reporting_Month} school year {/dataset/School_Year}.

Please review the attached form and email either Jeannie Frantz (for support personnel) at or Pam Fox (for certified personnel) at with any questions or concerns. 

Thank you.



<p></p><div>{/dataset/First_Name}&nbsp;{/dataset/Last_Name} has filed a timesheet showing overtime claimed for the month of&nbsp;{/dataset/Reporting_Month} school year&nbsp;{/dataset/School_Year}.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Please review the attached form and email either Jeannie Frantz (for support personnel) at&nbsp;<a href=""></a>&nbsp;or Pam Fox (for certified personnel) at&nbsp;<a href=""></a>&nbsp;with any questions or concerns.</div><div><br></div><div>Thank you.</div>

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replied on October 12, 2020

Interesting. My first thought is that the default email app on your PC isn't set to Outlook. I can get my mailto link to open in Chrome automatically if I change my default email app to Chrome. However, if I change it to Outlook, then clicking my mailto link opens a new message.

You should be able to type in "default apps" in your start menu and it'll pull up the default apps system settings. Email should be at the top of the list - see if it lists Chrome as the default right now. If so, try changing it to Outlook and see if that changes anything.

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replied on October 12, 2020

Holy cow, it was that simple!  I have had to adjust my default apps almost every time Microsoft does an update but haven't felt the need for awhile.  That fixed it for me!!  Thank you so much!!

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replied on October 12, 2020

Glad that was all it took!

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