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Forms - product enhancement request

posted on October 1, 2020

Would it be possible to eliminate Weekends and Holidays from the Performance Time in Forms Reports?   In the Process overview, when the duration is being calculated, weekends are being included in the overall completion time.  This skews our stats for performance percentages.  Ideally, we would like to be able to upload our district calendar for calculation, but I believe that has already been requested.



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replied on November 7, 2024

Hi, we have supported configuring holiday calendars on Forms 12.

You can see other changes from: Laserfiche 12 Changelog

Get Laserfiche Forms 12 package from: Laserfiche 12 - Downloads

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replied on October 16, 2020

I apologize, I should have been more specific.  We do use the Exclude Weekends for Saturday and Sunday, however our district, like many others, has 3 day weekends in the summer.  So for 2 months out of the year, we are on a 4 day work week.  This is what I was referring to.  It's not technically a Holiday, but we do have several other days during the year that are not official holidays but our offices are closed.  Has there been any move on including Holidays or a customized calendar?

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replied on October 15, 2020

In the "Date Filter" dropdown, there is a checkbox "Exclude Saturdays and Sundays when calculating durations", you can check it to exclude weekends, exclude holidays are not supported yet, but it has been requested before.



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Excluding weekends in Forms Formulas

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