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Any plans to modernize the "Address" field in Forms Designer?

asked on September 24, 2020

It would be nice to be able to convert the State and Country sub-fields to dropdowns, with the option to encode the values (e.g. Texas as "TX", United States of America as "US"), as well as the ability to pick a default. Obviously these things can be done with JavaScript (which is what we have been doing) but they seem so basic that I feel they should be part of the field options.

If you want to go the extra mile, add a way to integrate with Google Maps or similar address auto-complete service. wink

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replied on September 24, 2020

Also it would be an improvement to be able to easily use the elements of the Address field as tokens.  We've given up on using the Address field as it is more difficult to work with when writing pieces of an address to a database and just create our own Address block with individual fields.


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replied on September 24, 2020

Similar to what Craig said, being able to use address fields in data lookups would be really helpful.

Of lesser importance, excepting country from the requirement if the address field is required.

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replied on September 30, 2020

Thanks for all the requests for address fields. We don't have any planned at this time, but I'll gather up the details here and put them on our request list. 

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