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Value cannot be null parameter name: input

asked on September 5, 2020


When I open mobile app I always get this pop up?

It's LF cloud.

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replied on September 8, 2020 Show version history


Can anyone please help?

Error.PNG.jpg (128.07 KB)
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replied on September 10, 2020

Hi there Sonia, can you please verify what app (iOS/Android/Windows) you're using and seeing this error? 

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replied on September 10, 2020

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replied on October 6, 2020

This issue should be fixed in the latest version of the iOS app. 2020.9.30.

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replied on October 6, 2020

Now there is another issue, Everytime we select a form on app it goes to there login screen.

There's a case 212094 & the video is attached.


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