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Forms has encountered a problem. Invalid data sent to server

asked on September 2, 2020 Show version history

Having an issue when submitting a form and the user receives the error that invalid form data was submitted and that it can occur when the form is out of date.  They refresh and load the saved data (10.4.3) and try to submit again but get the same error.  The issue isn't user specific and they are able to submit the same task for other instances.  

Any thoughts?

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replied on September 3, 2020

Can you check whether they will get the same error if they open the from with a browser on a Personal Computer instead of Mobile device? You also can check whether there is any error in the event log of the Forms server(Event Viewer->Application and Services Logs->Laserfiche->Forms->App->Admin or Operational).

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replied on September 3, 2020

I see the error appear in the Operational events, but doesn't seem to provide any additional information.

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replied on September 3, 2020

What error did you get?

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replied on September 4, 2020

Invalid form data was sent to the server. This can occur if the form is out of date. Please refresh this form and try again. [LFF2106-InvalidDataSent]

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replied on September 7, 2020

If you can reproduce it. please open a support case and provide reproduce video along with the exported process.

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